Sunday, May 07, 2006

Obsession with arguing

We indians have a staggering appetite for arguing,discussing and debating. Sitting in my hotel room, scanning the various news channels in hope of some sensible news, i have figured out one thing that is common to all the news channels. DISCUSSIONS. The mantra is to keep discussing to death the smallest of issues.

For example yesterday i saw a discussion , which later became a debate, on Sachin Tendulkar's fitness. Still a couple of days back i saw some so called analysts discussing to death the issue of aiports privatisation, even after Delhi airport had already gone into the private hands.

Just because we are democracy doesn't mean we need to have an opinion on everything. The sad part is, the people who really have knowledge about these things are never a part of discussion.

You start getting a feeling that there's way too much of time at disposal in India. But then you also figure out that people who really matter do not discuss. They go on with their work.

Endless and aimless debating is a culture being brought into Indian homes via satellite. Only one news channel appeared to be quite sane amongst all this hoopla. The Headlines Today, which appeared to be objective and balanced and bereft of all the cacophony of other news channels.

I am sure it is the least watched of channels amongst the English audience. Yet it has left a mark, as far as i am concerned. I guess in long term it will pick up when the fad for hopeless arguing ends.

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