Saturday, January 14, 2006


The word "Nationalism" has a diminishing value today. Don't know why but somehow nationalism gets attached with "Hinduism" and than "communalism" and all this gets convulated. But beyond all these political terms are people who wear the badge of nationalism with pride.The real people. Our jawans. The real and probably the only heroes still remaining in the country after 50 years of independence.

Today loving your country is no more fashionable. Debunking your culture is; thanks to NDTV and TOI.

Beyond the world of ipods and gadgets and malls and latest reality shows and amar singh's phone tapping and rahul gandhi's latest girlfriend is a different world. Its called Siachen. The world's highest battle ground. A world beyond the purview of Times of India or NDTV or any of those "progressive,secular,trendy,modern" news presenters. Beyond IT and BPO. Beyond Ganguli and Pawar. Beyond Bush and Iraq.

A world where our soldiers brave artic conditions just so that they can fulfill an unwritten , non-verbal commitment they gave to our mother land. A commitment to keep her immune from the danger of predators from North West. When our celebrities and showbiz guys talk of cricketing ties with Pakistan, of Gazhals and biryani, of the Punjabiyat and all that, these young lads, some sons and brothers, some husbands and fathers, some friends and relatives of someone back home are holding their grounds in sub-human conditions on peaks higher than Vinod Mehta or Kuldeep Nayar's imagination and braving all this just so that the one billion (mostly thankless) Indians on the ground can feel safe in their cozy comforts of their homes.

Holding on for us , what is a prestige issue between the two nations. While they are there on the top, atleast 20,000 feet above sea levels, they are cut off from everything's thats happening below. They do not even know whether half the country even cares about their effort. Forget care. Whether 80% of the nation even know if they are up there.

The word Siachen actually means - the place of roses. In reality it is far from it. Even more horrendous than bed of thorns. It is one of the longest,highest glaciers in the world. It lies at a point where borders of India,Pakistan and China meet. And there lies its real significance. For India it is important to keep an eye (birds-eye-view) on the passage that connects Pakistan and China; both being harmful to India's security. Pakistan's strategic route to China- the Karakum Highway- and the activity on this highay can be orbserved from this glacier.

Its easier for Pakistan to maintain troops on Siachen because it is connected by road to Pakistan main-land. On the other hand the only way India can connect to Siachen is by air. By a conservative estimate India has to spend around 5,00,000$ / day to maintain its troops over the top.

It is important for India to keep a control and if possible an upper-hand in Siachen. For the starters, China has high stakes in that region. It is anyone's guess that if India decides to pull out of Sichen, who will be the real "occupier" of that region. For our marxism infested English media, China may not be India's enemy, but for those who have little knowledge of the way world works, know how dangerous China can be for India.

Strategic Importance of Siachen

There have been reports that India and Pakistan have been having talks of settling this issue peacefully across the table. I guess this excercise will not reap much. Pakistan has time and again played mischief with Indian trust. It has always stabbed us in the back and it is fully aware of our soft belly. No meaningful solution can ever be reached with Pakistan on any issues till it continues with its bleed-India program.

In the meantime however thankless job our brave Jawans may be doing for us, they will have to continue with it.Notwithstanding Indian people's general neglect of their heroic efforts, they will have to keep coming up triumphant for our mother land.

Hindus belive that we have another life to live after we die. If thats true, these brave ones have already ensured them of a First class compartment in the next journey.
I feel shallow and inadequate when I even think of them.

This writer salutes these bravest of the brave heroes for doing what they are thanfully doing for our country. No words can be good enough to thank them. I also salute and bow to their mothers and wives and sisters and daughters and fathers and brothers for giving us these rare gems.

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