Friday, December 16, 2005

The difference is Rajeev.

The one thing i like of Rajeev Srinivasan's brand of articles is that they are almost never without backed up details. I think the reason might be his educational background. He comes from IIT and Stanford, both very sound institutions in their own right. Apart from that he is not a regular journalist like the one's who adorn the (semi-porn) Times of India or the shabby Indian Express. Most of the journalists that write articles in these two dailies have pure journalism knowledge that they generally get from instistutes like Jawaharlal Nehru University etc.
Rajeev gets into the skin of the issue and presents it in the most compelling form possible. There's no fickle argument here. It's almost always backed up to the core.

Let's take for example his latest article in - The Value of Hindu Life

He formulates his position by giving step by step details of each component of the argument with proper dates and links and other details. While most journalists will write a story with heavy dose of high-handed vocabulary, they forget to back it up with substantial details. Rajeev on the other hand is precise and neat and one cannot doubt is vocabulary either.

I enjoy reading his articles and believe that people like him or Arun Shourie or Bramha Chellanney have set different standards in journalism , in India. And what more , they are not pure journalists. Its an irony today that the best articles and the most informative pieces come from people who are not professional journalists.

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