Friday, September 23, 2005

O'Reilly has some explaination to do

Phil Donnahue stumped Bill O'Reilly totally on the anti-war debate on "The Factor" program, day before yesterday.
When he asked O'Reilly - "whether he will send his own kids to die" for the Iraq war, Bill lost his cool and what followed was not what we can call a Television debate. It turned into an acrimonious name calling, free-for-all cacophony.

To start with, the question itself was not correct. How can Bill decide whether to send his children for war or not? In a country where the child leaves his house as soon as he is a teenager , how much control does the Father really have on his sons/daughters career decision?

Bill's best answer could have been - "If he wishes to go i won't stop him. But i cannot force him or for that matter anyone to go for war". That would have been the best answer. This would have taken some steam out from Donnahue's verbal onslaught.

Anyways Bill lost it yesterday. He has tried to do some post-match anyalsis on his column at,2933,170223,00.html

Not convinced Bill !

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