Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Media insensitivity

A day after the blast in Varanasi, Media has [as usual] started playing a cruel game on Hindus. It did the same thing after the Godhra roasting.

Congress-man Rajiv Shukla made a joke on BJP - 'saying leave Hanuman alone now'. Only a Congressman could have stooped so low at such a tragic moment. But our media men were not too far behind.

Indian Express played the Congress joke in the Headlines - Advani to undertake yet another yatra, Cong tells him to leave Hanuman alone

In another related article the Express "journalist" and a known BJP-baiter Manini "Sources" Chatterjee played her own little spin analysis. Even before the blood of the tragedy has dried, the Express team is in an overdrive to defend it's masters in Dehli.

Here's the quote from Manini's article - " Sangh Parivar insiders view the latest development as an opportunity. Their calculation is that the BJP, which has declined considerably in UP over the last few years, would benefit from a communal polarisation in the state.

Manini usually uses the "insider" term a lot, to quote unknown faces in the BJP.

How could NDTV be far behind. After all they manufactured this concept [of spin journalism] in India. "An aggressive BJP sensed the opportunity for resurrecting the Hindutva agenda, and accused the UPA government of going too soft on terror and minority appeasement." says the article.

I never for my life understand what the much maligned "Hindutva agenda" really is? NDTV has manufactured such terms in last 10 years of it's existence and the guillible Hindu middle class which is so impressed by NDTV , cannot even read through this politics that NDTV plays.

Leaving aside the real issue of terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism, the English languauge media has been busy, nay , have been in an over drive to cover "secular" Congress's butts.

How long are they going to dodge the real issue? Will they not be affected by the same terrorism at some point, if not today? Do they think that by not calling spade a spade they can buy peace with jihadis? Ok they may win handsome praise for their "secular credentials" from a handful of readers, but will that be good enough for long run?

The media's short sightedness and it's allergy to Hinduism both have contributed to this rot. The candle-lighting-liberal-fashionable-brigade led by Arundati Roy will as usual respond with a defeaning silence on this tragedy. They feel sorry only for the Taliban. But what about the "neutral" commentators of the media? Don't they have the minimum sense of outrage at such a horrifying tragedy?

How long are they going to keep giving dozes of "maintaining peace and harmony" without even acknowledging the fact that the real culprits belong to one particular community, whose actions all these years have been detrimental to India and Indian nationalism, to put it mildly.

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