Friday, August 05, 2005

Analyse That

This is a good analysis by Sushan Sareen in

Its a fact that no muslim in the world has ever come out strongly against islamic terror. There's always a tacit justification provided after whatever cosmetic condemnation is,if at all, done by any muslim leader.

Sareen goes on to say

[...] the implicit justification offered by the so-called moderate Muslims to acts
of Islamic terrorism by pointing out at the 'root causes' begs the question: does
the 'root cause' of Islamic terrorism lie in social, political and economic
conditions in Muslim societies or do they lie in the religion itself? Do the root
causes lie in 'grievances' of Muslims or do they lie in the way Islam is
perceived, taught and imbibed by its followers?

Terror apologists like Sayeed Naqvi,Arundati Roy, Praful Bidwai invariable point the fingers to Israel or Afghanistan or Iraq or somewhere in the middle east whenever a terror strikes , as if to tell us that 'root-cause' lies there.

Every time they mention 'root causes' in the same breath as they condemn an act
of terrorism they effectively end up providing a tacit justification for
terrorism. What is more, this state of denial prevents a deeper soul searching
within the community on the direction the religion is taking and prevents any
course correction.

How very true.

The moderates want us to look the other way and i believe they want us like them to run away from the problem. The only way to end terror is to crush it. No amount of "peace talks" and reasoning can be of any good. You cannot reason with someone who says he's doing it under God's command. What possible argument can you provide to counter it.
The great bleeding hearts and the liberals like Arundati Roys and Kuldeep Nayars seldom shed a tear for Hindus,Jews,Christians killed by these jihadis on a daily basis. But always remind us of Palestine and Iraq as the 'root-cause'.

The hard fact is, these jihadis, will always find a 'root-cause', if not in Israel than in Somalia, if not in Somalia than in may be Kashmir to justify all their actions. There's no limit to their 'root-causes'. Even if you give them Kashmir and Palestine away, peace will not return. Because they will invent new roots and causes.

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