Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ekya revisisted

CNN-IBN reported today that Rahul Baba suffered a sprain in his leg.

And that should be a matter of concern for me and you because ?

Well because we are all his subjects. He is the prince of the Monarchy called India. And we the lesser mortals need to keep updated about his day to day health. So if his tender body is affected by lets say a mishap as BIG as spraining of leg, it's IBN-CNN's duty to report. Off course IBN-CNN being the news agency of international standards and also it is apparently secular,liberal and progressive, needs to report all this.And that makes it doubly important to read and follow.

I remember during college days there used to be a small local daily called "Ekya" which routinely splashed such BIG news items on the front page. Like a neighbour's girl seducing the father's boy or two police men taking bribe. These news items would be splashed on front page with so much ado, so as to seek bystander's attention. We used to make fun on those news paper's and were very proud of ourselves for reading Times of India. [We as in college going young under-grads]

Not sure if we were priding ourselves with the right thing. Times Of India and now IBN-CNN don't seem to be too far away from Ekya, do they?