Thursday, March 31, 2005

Rajeev Srinivasan

Rajeev Srinivasan- a commentator par excellence. Ever since i read his article - "The Nehruvian Penalty:50 wasted years" on rediff , i have been enamored by his highly articulate self-being.
Here's a list of some of my favourite Rajeev Srinivasan - dishes.

and my favourite one

I often feel a columnist or a commentator is like a chef. Depending on your likes & dislikes you either lap up his dish gleefully or leave a bad taste in your mouth often even have an indigestion after reading it.
I am not sure how long rediff will keep these master-pieces on its server. May be it will be a good idea to copy them off on my local machine :))


In view of growing menace of Secular Jehadis in India, I feel we as Hindus need to wake up to the rising threat. The threat is within our boundaries. And the enemy is strong.
I am no great writer but make attempts to voice my views through various available avenues, specially online news articles. I have regularly posted on & Indian Express's online version.
Working out of a small town in US, i spend a good amount of time daily to surf through news articles & send across unsolicited opinion to the various news columns.

Apart from politics i have a liking for sports (I am growing out of cricket though) & entertainment.

After coming to US i got particularly hooked on to Sienfeld & Friends. Not a movie buff but enjoy good work of Quantine Tarantino,Speilberg & Eastwood.

A good round of margarita or rum with pepsi around the table with friends makes a great evening according to me. Off course there's an added high if wife has arranged for "chaknas" & placed it deliciously over the centre table of the living room.

I have tried hands at cooking & often come up triumps unwittingly.
There's off course method to my chaos when i am in kitchen.